What does Systems Change look like in Kenosha County? Like building caregivers' understanding of child development and connecting them to a community-wide grid of resources. To make this possible, Building Our Future’s Smart Beginnings Network partners worked to implement the national Help Me Grow model in Kenosha. Since 2017, the Smart Beginnings Network has focused on integrating data from developmental screenings to ensure that all children in Kenosha County are screened regularly throughout their first five years. As part of this work, the Network has set year-over-year goals to increase implementation of the ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE. As a result of this work, it's the hope of the Network that more children will receive the services they need to be developmentally on track. When families receive needed services earlier, the likelihood that children will return to being developmentally on track with their peers increases. As we know, data will guide us to where to look, but it's the Network's effective action within our collaborative networks that truly reveals what to do.
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January 2025